Studies have shown that there are positive mental health benefits to engaging in a creative medium each day, whether it is painting or stitching or writing. But particularly with photography, taking camera in hand (or phone camera, for sure) and making an effort to see outside of ourselves for a little while, to "get in the zone" either indoors or out, can make a big difference in outlook. Couple that with the encouragement and inspiration from a group (namely us, the members of this club) and some outside accountability (posting the photo for all to see), and your engagement with this type of project will increase.
Now I know that not everyone will get outside for a photo walk every day, nor are you expected to. Just engaging with photography frequently, whether through photographing the interesting shadow patterns created on your wall on a sunny day, taking a selfie and using a new filter on your phone to give yourself a painted look, or sitting down at the computer to edit those photos from a trip you took back when we were able to travel -- whatever you choose to do, you are engaging with photography and getting out of your own head for a few minutes.
So, here goes. In order to make this project as accessible as possible, I have created a Zenfolio site just for it. Each day, you can upload a photo that you either took that day or that you edited on that day. That's it. Those are the photo "rules."
It's OK if you took a photo on January 5 and don't get around to uploading it to the January 5 folder until January 7. You won't turn into a pumpkin if it's not there by midnight. The point is that you did something with photography that day. Your "proof" to yourself and to others is the photo in the January 5 folder, regardless of when it shows up there.
It's OK to post the photos on the Click Facebook page, too, and we'll work out all the details of how we're going to post and present photos as the month progresses, but by the end of the month, we should be on a roll.
The January 13 meeting will be all about this project. Each week there will be new inspiration in the email blast to help you with ideas. It doesn't matter if you are late to the party or only participate once a week. Life is hard and complicated, so there are no penalties; just encouragement and hopefully motivation and inspiration.
Ready to Roll?
Here are the directions to the page of instructions for uploading your photo via a computer.
Here are the directions to the page of instructions for uploading your photo via a mobile device.
If you want to participate and just feel daunted about uploading the photos yourself, Carol Gregoire has offered to receive them from you. Just be sure she knows your name, the date you took the photo, and give a brief description, if desired.
The website is so you can take a look at the lone test cat sitting there now, waiting for company to fill up January 1.