
February Image Review

Our reviewer is Bruce McKaig, who has a long, impressive CV when it comes to both making and looking at photographs. He does not know our club or our club members. He will look at your images, which will be posted anonymously, and remark on what works in the image and what might be tweaked to make it better. The tweaks may include composition, exposure, focus, cropping, removing distractions, straightening, etc. Or, he may say, “Everything looks great – I wouldn’t do a thing!” He won’t say, “Throw away your camera and find another hobby.” I promise. After all, a review is a way to learn, to grow, to improve, and to encourage you to keep on doing what you love.

Please send me 1-2 images for review by February 5. Directions are posted below. I will accept a maximum of 50 images for review. My hope is that of our 155 members, we will get our quota before the deadline. I would love to see images from some of our newer, or less “visible” members, be the primary submitters for this review (see boldfaced paragraph above).

I will place all the images into a passworded folder on my website for Bruce to see, labeling them only as A1, A2, B1, B2, etc. Bruce will have a week to review them and make notes. At our February 12 meeting, which is virtual, he will give his remarks as we go through the images. The meeting will be recorded, so you do not have to be present when the images are discussed. You can view the recording later.

All of us, even those who have won awards for our photographs, will readily admit that there is always something to learn from an image review. I look forward to seeing what you will submit!


Send 1-2 images as attachments to my email address: If you can, prepare the images as we recommend for the Member Showcase of Images -- Prepping Images

If you need help with prepping the images, email me. Or, if you do not have the time or the right software, send me the images anyway. Send them as large files, if you have the option, and I will resize them for the review.

Please send your 1-2 images on or before February 5.

January Meeting - Elsie Aldrich: Your Photography Life and Legacy

January 8 Meeting 7:00 pm via Zoom Elsie Aldrich: Your Photography Life and Legacy

Elsie has always been interested in photography but recently started taking her hobby more seriously. Several events converged in the spring of 2020. She retired from teaching, moved to Florida and, of course Covid hit. Retirement gave her the time, Florida gave her plenty of gorgeous birds to photograph, and Covid limited her to hobbies that kept her safe. While Elsie does photography mostly for her personal enjoyment, she has won several top awards in photography contests. She lives in The Villages, Florida with her husband. She has four children and two grandchildren.

This presentation is about valuing your photography and your legacy. It involves thinking about the role of photography in your life and how you can share your passion with others, now and in the future.

Anyone is welcome to attend this meeting. All Camera Clique members will receive the Zoom link in the first January email blast. Non-members who would like to attend may request the link via email:

November Meeting: Fran Byrne: My Journey as a Photographer

November Meeting and Speaker Fran Byrne: My Journey as a Photographer Wednesday, November 13, 2024 at 7 pm Our November speaker is Fran Byrne, a popular Frederick photographer whose photos of Frederick flood Facebook. Fran sent the above image and said it is one of the first that "did it for him" when coming to Frederick.

I first learned about Fran when he gave a talk in December 2016, shortly after he arrived in Frederick from Ireland. If I remember correctly, he was contacted long distance by a woman from Frederick whose daughter was getting married in Ireland. He agreed to be the wedding photographer, and as it happened, the mother of the bride and the wedding photographer fell in love! After they married, Fran came to Frederick to live here with his bride. And as it turns out, he fell in love with Frederick, too.

According to Fran's Facebook page, "Back home in Ireland, I was surrounded by mountains, lakes, and rivers. Since coming to Frederick, I am surrounded by red brick and beautiful architecture which has taken my photography on another path. I love walking around Frederick with my camera and capturing its unique character and light."

You can see more of Fran's work by visiting his website: and by following him on Facebook.

This will be a hybrid meeting, with both in person attendance as well as on Zoom. The meeting is open to all, and visitors are welcome to attend. All Camera Clique members will receive the Zoom link in the first November email blast; non-members may request the link by emailing

Macro Photography, Wednesday, October 9, 2024 at 7 pm

October Meeting and Speaker Ben Salb: Macro Photography Wednesday, October 9, 2024 at 7 pm

We hold hybrid meetings at the Delaplaine Visual Arts Center in the Gardiner Room at 7 p m.

Our October speaker is Ben Salb, who will be showing techniques and examples of macro photography.

Ben Salb is a macro photographer who specializes in living invertebrate portraits. Originally from Wisconsin, his passion for photography grew while observing his (incredibly talented) sister as a wedding, family, and lifestyle portrait photographer. He eventually got his first real camera when he was stationed in Japan with the Navy, and it wasn’t until several years later when the pandemic started that he shifted his focus to macro photography.

Ben’s macro images have gained international attention for placing in both macro-specific and non-macro photography competitions, and has had images highlighted in Smithsonian Magazine, Amateur Photographer, Forbes, and The Guardian. Ben currently lives in Gaithersburg, MD with his wife and three young daughters and typically does most of his shooting and editing before the kids (and bugs) are up.

You can see more of Ben's work by visiting his Instagram page.

This will be a hybrid meeting, with both in person attendance as well as on Zoom. The meeting is open to all, and visitors are welcome to attend. All Camera Clique members will receive the Zoom link in the first October email blast; non-members may request the link by emailing

September Meeting - Abstract Photography

Ron Ames: Abstract Photography

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

We will be returning to hybrid meetings at the Delaplaine Visual Arts Center in the Gardiner Room at 7 p m.

Our September speaker is Ron Ames, who will be showing techniques and examples of abstract photography.

You can see more of Ron's work by visiting his Instagram page.

This will be a hybrid meeting, with both in person attendance as well as on Zoom. The meeting is open to all, and visitors are welcome to attend.

Time: Sep 11, 2024 7:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 876 4947 3235 Passcode: clique

August Social Event

The social committee met and ironed out the details.

  • Wednesday, August 14, 6 pm at the Delaplaine
  • Drinks, dinner, socializing!
  • Member and guest are welcome.
  • Giveaway and swap table for camera gear.
  • Interactive game for mingling and conversation.
  • BYOB is fine; sangria will be on hand.
  • Bring a side or a dessert to share.
  • RSVP by Wednesday, August 7.

Either comment on the event post on the Facebook page (I’m coming, with one guest)


email Christine Franklin:

June meetings

The June meeting has had a change. It will be in two parts now.

On June 3, we will meet with the West Shore Photography Club for an online presentation with Alan Ross, an assistant to Ansel Adams.

On June 12, our normal meeting date, we will have some sort of get together in our space at the Delaplaine at 7 pm. Do you have something you would like to do? To see? To have demonstrated? Should we do a walk, share phone apps, try out different lenses?

Share your ideas on facebook. If you want to volunteer to lead something, all the better!

May 8th Meeting

Our meeting is next week, May 8, in person (hybrid) at the Delaplaine with member Becky Carpenter. Details about the speaker and her topics are below.

Vintage Textures and Composites in Art & Photographing Figures in Abandoned Spaces with Rebecca Carpenter

Rebecca Carpenter (Becky) will demonstrate some of ways to use vintage textures and Photoshop to age/alter your photographs. She will also discuss photographing figures in abandoned spaces …. including some tips and tricks to compose an interesting image of a person in an abandoned space. Becky will have lots of examples in her Power Point presentation so Zoom viewers can also see how she composites various layers to create vintaged images. She will also bring many examples in person so club members can see how vintage textures are used in various ways to enhance a photograph and in 3-D collages.

Rebecca lives in Morgantown, PA now, but lived for five years in Frederick. She is primarily a photographer, but also loves to work with mixed media collage and sculpture. She taught art for sixteen years K-12 throughout the country and works as a full-time artist now. She loves to photograph the figure in nature and abandoned spaces. She has several series that she creates art for and creates composited art as well as straight photography. She began collecting vintage items about a decade ago when starting a series incorporating time. She collects vintage books, letters, and journals and scans the pages and covers and edits in Photoshop to use with her composites. You can see more of her work at and follow her on Instagram: @rcarpenterphotography Visitors and guests are welcome to attend this meeting at the Delaplaine Visual Arts Center, 40 S. Carroll St, Frederick, MD. The speaker will be in person. This meeting will also be offered via Zoom. Camera Clique members will get the Zoom link via the second April email blast; all others interested in attending virtually may request the link via email:

Here is the Zoom link for those who will be attending virtually. May Meeting Wednesday, May 8, 2024 7 pm in person at the Delaplaine and via Zoom Topic: Camera Clique Meeting May 8

Time: May 8, 2024 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 860 1527 5552

Passcode: clique

We will have two Zoom sessions for helping members with resizing images for any occasion, whether it is for our juried competition, the member showcase, or for other shows that request specific sizes. The session will cover Lightroom, Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, or Preview (on a Mac). Handouts will be available, too. The same Zoom link will work for both sessions: Monday, May 13, at 7:30 pm and/or Sunday, May 26 at 7:30 pm. I will remind about these sessions in the next email blast as well as on Facebook. I will also record the first session.

Topic: Resizing Sessions Time: May 13, 2024 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) and/or May 26, 2024 07:30 PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 860 7799 0813 Passcode: clique

Dial by your location • +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) Meeting ID: 860 7799 0813 Passcode: 641160

April Meeting - Lightroom

Our April meeting will be in two parts. On Wednesday, April 3, Lori Lankford will give us a review of the different types of Lightroom products. It will be via Zoom. She will do a deeper dive into some of the "new" tools in Lightroom Classic. On Wednesday, April 10, we will have a hands-on session at the Delaplaine in our usual meeting room at 7 pm. Bring laptops or iPads and questions! What might you want help with? Photo organization? Importing? Creating collections? Creating export presets? Specific editing tools? Photoshop questions? Do you have a particular photo you want to have someone else edit? Send me suggestions/questions via email - - or in the comments below. Folks who are proficient in LR and can offer assistance or demo some tools, please come, too.

Critique Night Wednesday, March 13, 7 pm Delaplaine Visual Arts Center

March is the month for a critique of member work by an outside reviewer who will offer comments about the images. The purpose of a critique is always to learn and to improve. Up to 50 images submitted by current members of the Frederick Camera Clique will be reviewed.

Pennsylvania photographer Ted Scarpino enjoys photographing subjects of all kinds, but he’s found exceptional interest in the Gettysburg/Adams County area. He is fascinated by the “graphic landscapes” in the orchard areas of Adams County. The linear elements of the rows of trees on the rolling hills tell a story of the hand of man interacting with nature’s landscape.

“Downtown Gettysburg is a wonderful mix of past and present,” said Scarpino. His work is on display at Gallery 30, where he has been represented for over 5 years.

Over the years his work has been selected for juried shows, publications, and private collections. Ted holds a Master of Photography designation from the Professional Photographers of America for superior photographic competence demonstrated through photographic competition, advanced education, and service to the profession. He is also a member of the Adams County Photography Club.

Visitors and guests are welcome to attend this meeting at the Delaplaine Visual Arts Center, 40 S. Carroll St, Frederick, MD. The speaker will be in person. This meeting will also be offered via Zoom. Camera Clique members will get the Zoom link via the March email blast; all others interested in attending virtually may request the link via email:

February Meeting - Bert Sirkin on AI

Our February meeting is on the topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and photography. Speaker Bert Sirkin will describe how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is RAPIDLY changing photography. From in-camera improvements to generative AI, the world of photography is changing.

In a matter of months, photography has undergone a paradigm shift with the emergence of generative AI. The past year has been just the beginning, merely scratching the surface of the potential that AI holds for photography.

This captivating presentation delves into the realm of the various aspects of AI in photography. Discover the essence of AI, explore the various types of AI that intersect with photography, and unlock insights on leveraging these powerful tools to their fullest potential.

Prepare to be provoked by thought-provoking inquiries that challenge conventional wisdom. Together, we will uncover new perspectives you may not have yet contemplated.

Bert will demonstrate some of the AI options available to photographers today. Gain valuable insights into the diverse applications of AI, including the groundbreaking AI features in Photoshop. We'll look at how these tools can be combined to create a whole new world of creativity.

Embrace the future of photography with AI as your ally.

Bert Sirkin apprenticed at with a Professional Photographer in Boston when he was 18 years old and has done part-time Professional Photography since he was 19 years old. He’s taught various photography topics since 1970 and has spent 10 years teaching workshops in Everglades NP, Joshua Tree NP & Monument Valley Tribal park. He taught various computer programming languages at Capital Community Technical college in Hartford, CT for 20 years. He currently teaches online photography workshops and frequently speaks to photography groups.

All club members will be sent the link to the presentation in a mid-February email blast. Non-members who would like to attend are asked to send email to to request the link.

Meetings in January - Eddie Soloway and February - Bert Sirkin will be virtual

Meetings in January and February will be virtual. Note that they are not on the regular meeting day of the second Wednesday of the month. We will return to in person meetings at 7pm at the Delaplaine in March.
Monday, January 22, at 7 pm: An online presentation with speaker Eddie Soloway, sponsored by four camera clubs, including ours.

Wednesday, February 21, at 7 pm: An online presentation with speaker Bert Sirkin on the use of AI in Photography.

January 22

Eddie Soloway: Memories, Moons and Imagination

Photographs can take our breath away. A beautiful image can transport us to another time. It can flood us with long-forgotten memories. It can go far beyond being a record of a thing, and can instead surround us with an essence, and feelings. Join photographer and storyteller Eddie Soloway for an entertaining and informative presentation designed to open up creative and personal photographs right in front of our noses.

Eddie Soloway is a photographer, teacher, and storyteller committed to opening our eyes to the natural world. He has taught photography and creativity for leading photographic institutions and schools around the world, and was a popular speaker in National Geographic Traveler’s photography seminars. The Santa Fe Center for Photographic Arts (now CENTER) awarded Eddie the Excellence in Photographic Teaching Award, and Photo District News named Eddie one of America’s best photography workshop teachers. His focus on seeing brings a breath of fresh air to the workshop world.

Eddie is the author of the book, One Thousand Moons, instructional videos in the Natural Eye and Expressive Landscape series, and SEE THINK DO Photo Cards.

Eddie’s photography may be seen at, and his educational opportunities at

All club members will be sent the link to the presentation in a mid-January email blast. Non-members who would like to attend are asked to send email to to request the link.

Member Show

Member Show Information -- On Saturday, December 2, we will open our Member Show in the gallery at the Delaplaine. At 2 pm there will be an Artist Talk. Cam will give a talk about the show and will offer tips for using the camera you always have with you. Our show opens officially with an informal reception in the gallery from 3-5 pm. There will not be food and drink, due to a large crowd expected for the Holiday Art Market that will be going on downtown. Come to enjoy the show on Saturday afternoon, then enjoy all the other First Saturday events going on downtown, including the lighted boats on Carroll Creek.

December Social Event

December Social Event -- On Wednesday, December 13, we will host a "Snappy Hour" from 6-7:30 pm in the gallery at the Delaplaine in lieu of our regular meeting. It is a private party, open to all members-in-good-standing and their guests. Come and view the show, engage in discussion about photography, and enjoy h'ors d'oeuvres, drinks, and sweet things. It is perfectly fine to bring your own alcohol if you wish, as we will be serving only water. Cups and ice will be on hand. Use the time before or after the event to stroll the creek or go out to dinner at one of our many wonderful restaurants in the area.

November Meeting, Lisa Sheirer - Creating composites using Photoshop.

November 8 Meeting, 7 pm Hybrid Meeting at the Delaplaine Featuring Lisa Sheirer

Our November meeting features Lisa Sheirer, who will speak to us about creating composites using Photoshop.
Lisa Sheirer is a visual artist living and working in Frederick, Maryland. She has a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in painting and printmaking from West Virginia University, and a Master of Fine Arts degree in sculpture from the University of Notre Dame. Ms. Sheirer has been creating artwork for over 40 years.

Lisa works in a variety of mediums. Pixels, clay, inks, paint, pulp painting, wood, glass, found objects, and cast metals, are among the materials she uses. Natural flora, fauna, and mycoflora have been the basis for Lisa’s work over the last 20 years. She has an active social media account of plant life through the seasons in the Catoctin mountains. Plants are documented using photography and citizen scientific research - art series spring from these observations.

Sheirer’s public art projects include a ceramic mural at Baltimore Washington International Airport commissioned by the Maryland Department of Transportation and a glass mural installation in Western MD Health System's lobby. In the recent past, Lisa has had many regional solo exhibitions. In 2022 Lisa was chosen to be an artist in residence at the Y Art Center in Frederick, her studio is located there.

In October, she published two artist books (WaterShed & A Book of Ghosts) about regional plant and animal life. There will be hand-bound and commercially printed books available for purchase. Several exhibitions of WaterShed will be shown regionally in the near future.

Visitors are guests are welcome to attend this meeting at the Delaplaine Visual Arts Center, 40 S. Carroll St, Frederick, MD. This meeting will also be offered via Zoom. Camera Clique members will get the Zoom link via the November email blast; all others interested in attending virtually may request the link via email:

Speaker Previews and Date Changes:

3) Speaker Previews and Date Changes: More details will follow in the next few email blasts, but put these dates on your calendar. All are at 7 pm, Eastern Standard Time. Note that the January and February dates will be our meetings, but not on our regular 2nd Wednesday of the month.

  • Wednesday, November 8: Hybrid meeting at the Delaplaine with a talk by Lisa Sheirer on creating composites in Photoshop
  • Wednesday, December 13: Our social event in the gallery at the Delaplaine.
  • Monday, January 22: An online presentation with speaker Eddie Soloway, sponsored by four camera clubs, including ours.
  • Wednesday, February 21: An online presentation with speaker Bert Sirkin on the use of AI in Photography.

  • Here is the link for the November 8 meeting for those who want to attend virtually. Topic: November 2023 Camera Clique Meeting

Time: Nov 8, 2023 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 862 5257 6336 Passcode: clique

Dial In: 301-715-8592 Passcode: 869160 More details will follow in the next few email blasts, but put these dates on your calendar. All are at 7 pm, Eastern Standard Time. Note that the January and February dates will be our meetings, but not on our regular 2nd Wednesday of the month.

October Meeting- Street Photography with Karen Commings

October Speaker Meeting Wednesday, October 11, at 7 pm Street Photography with Karen Commings

Karen Commings is a photographer from Harrisburg, PA. She’s had cameras since the age of ten but didn’t become serious about photography until she purchased her first digital camera and joined a local camera club in 2012. Commings considers herself a street/documentary photographer although she tackles other subjects when the spirit or opportunity moves her. Although Commings processes her images in her home office, she considers her studio the street and, pre-pandemic, travelled to New York City as well as other places of interest several times a year.

Commings shoots handheld with a Fuji Xt1, Xt3 or X100s. She is the featured photographer for the October issue of Street Photography Magazine and her photographs have appeared in The Photo Review, Street Sweeper and Black & White magazines as well as galleries in Pennsylvania, New York City, Texas, Minnesota, Kansas, Missouri, Maryland, Vermont, California and South Carolina. She was accepted into Pennsylvania Art of the State six times and received an honorable mention from the 12th Annual Julia Margaret Cameron competition for her carnival project and in 2019 was one of 30 short-listed nominees from the International Women in Photo Association for that series as well. Her carnival photos were exhibited at the Delaplaine in 2019.

Visitors are guests are welcome to attend this meeting at the Delaplaine Visual Arts Center, 40 S. Carroll St, Frederick, MD. This meeting will also be offered via Zoom. Camera Clique members will get the Zoom link via the October email blast; all others interested in attending virtually may request the link via email:

September Meeting: "In Syzygy," with Redeat Wondemu

September Speaker Meeting Wednesday, September 13, at 7 pm

Redeat Wondemu

The September speaker will be Redeat Wondemu, currently the Artist in Residency at Glen Echo's Photoworks. Her solo exhibition, titled "In Syzygy," is a collection of platinum, silver, and cyan hand made prints. The photograph series depicts honesty, emotions, and vulnerability. She travels to Ethiopia, her home country, to work on her pre-conceptualized photography series. Using both film and digital photography, she approaches her sitters with deep thoughtfulness, reverence, and imagination. Her practice as an analog film photographer comes from her father who photographed similarly. Her fascination with family albums is the nostalgia that drives her to develop her own film in the darkroom. Her end goal with her photography is to make prints in the darkroom whether it’s a gelatin silver or other alternative prints. Hand printing her own photos in the darkroom is a mediative process which allows to reflect and connect with her inner vision.

She graduated from Georgia Southern University in 2010 with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and pursued her nursing career side-by-side with photography training. In 2021, her series Modern Muse: Portraits of Ethiopian women was exhibited in a Solo Show at the Addis Ababa Museum, Homme Gallery, and Art of Noize Gallery in 2022 in DC.

Her photography series of portraits of working class Ethiopians titled “How Irving Penn's Photography Series Inspires Me” was published in The Washington Post in 2022. Since then, Wondemu has participated in group shows at Glen Echo Photoworks, Studio Gallery, The Art League, The Gathering Spot, Hanubet, and private residences. Her Modern Muse Series won best in show in the Photographic Process Group Exhibition at the Art League in Virginia. She is the recipient of The Emerging Artist Small Project Grant at the Craig Kraft Studio. She is also a member of the Black Women Photography group and hosted youth film day workshop in collaboration with Dojo Studio and Photoworks, teaching film photography to youths in DMV area.

Visitors are guests are welcome to attend this meeting at the Delaplaine Visual Arts Center, 40 S. Carroll St, Frederick, MD. This meeting will also be offered via Zoom. Camera Clique members will get the Zoom link via the September email blast; all others interested in attending virtually may request the link via email:

June Meeting; Megan Purtell presents “The Art of Dog Photography”

Megan Purtell is a photographer specializing in dogs and their families. Her expertise in communicating with dogs and knowledge of how to read their body language sets her apart from other photographers. She has invested over a decade educating herself about and working with dogs of every type, especially rescues. Her natural ability to be calm and patient with animals helps every pet feel comfortable and relaxed. This advantage helps her to bring out their real personality in her photography.

dog on a sleeping bag

Megan’s true passion for rescue dogs began her journey in 2013. Over the last decade, she has fostered around 400 rescue dogs, including mamas and their litters of puppies, helping each and every one find their forever homes. Her photography brings out their true personalities so potential adopters can see what makes them unique. This was especially important through the pandemic when online resources were instrumental for adopters to find a dog to fit in their family life. Nearly 1 out of every 5 families adopted a dog during the pandemic. Families were choosing pets to bring into their families through their photographs before even meeting them in person.

Megan will share her journey through Dog Photography, including tips on how you can photograph your pets at home, how to prepare to work with dogs, and her editing process. Through projects like “Dogs with Jobs” and “Frederick’s Next Top DOG Model” challenges she helps educate the community on the unique abilities of local dogs in the Frederick area. She works with sport dogs, print and commercial models and actors, service dogs, and puppies in training.

Megan Purtell has a dog photography studio space at 7 N. Market St in Downtown Frederick. You can also see some of her current work on her website,

Visitors are guests are welcome to attend this meeting at the Delaplaine Visual Arts Center, 40 S. Carroll St, Frederick, MD. This meeting will also be offered via Zoom. Camera Clique members will get the Zoom link via the June email blast; all others interested in attending virtually may request the link via email: