
Member Show

The annual Member Show will be at the Delaplaine Visual Arts Center for the month of December. All members in good standing are encouraged to submit one or two ready-to-hang photographs and offer them for sale. Information about the show has been emailed to all members. The reception for this show is Saturday, December 1, from 3-5 pm.

If you are going to submit some work for the show, please send Cam the title(s) of your photos, along with the price you would ask. The Delaplaine takes a commission on all sales: 20% for members of the Delaplaine, and 30% for non-members, so take that into consideration when pricing.

The Delaplaine wants all information by November 19 so that they may create a list of all the photos expected in the show. Therefore, I need all of your information by November 18. The photos to do not need to be ready by that date, however, just the information.

Sydney at the Delaplaine will create a list of all of the titles by photographer name. The list will be in the storage room where pieces for the next show are stored in numbered slots. She will also use the name, title, and price information that you send me to create the wall labels and the price lists for the show.

Prepare your ready-to-hang photo for delivery by attaching a card to the rear that includes your name, the title of the piece, the price, and your contact information (email, phone, website, etc.)

Between November 19 and 29, you may drop off your piece(s) at the Delaplaine, which is open most days from 9-5. Take your photos to the storage room, find the list of photographers, choose a slot number for your work, and then note on the clipboard which slots you chose. The slot numbers are written in black marker at the top of the slot. You may leave with work with or without packaging, depending on how it fits into the slots.

If you prefer, you may deliver your work the night that we hang the show, on November 29, beginning at 6:30. We will pull all work out of the storage room, lay it out along the walls, and decide which pieces hang well together. Once the order of the show is determined, the pieces are hung on the walls and the label information is applied. Help is always appreciated when hanging this show.