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10:00 AM10:00

Coffee and Critique by Glen Echo Photoworks

Join us for a free photo critique session to view and discuss your images. Led by Photoworks instructor, Karen Keating. About this Event

Sunday October 4th, 2020

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM on Zoom. Link will be shared the day before the critique.

All are welcome! Come to share your images or come to observe and be part of the conversation.

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9:00 AM09:00

Finding Your Vision In Black & White: What The Masters Can Teach Us

Sponsored by the North Bethesda Camera Club (NBCC) A member of the Maryland Photography Alliance

Featuring Leo Lubow

Saturday, September 28, 2019 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM Asbury Methodist Village Gaithersburg, MD 20877

B&W photography is a fine art medium that actually affords greater creative opportunities than those available in color. Focusing on such elements as tone, texture, form, POV, visual metaphor, and philosophical influences, Leo’s presentation will inspire you to refine both your eye and craft in finding your own special vision, whether you shoot in B&W or color.

Leo is a writer, educator, and award-winning photographer whose specialties include portraiture, promotional images, street photography and fine art prints, a sampling of which may be seen at His October presentation before the Maryland Photography Alliance sold out, so don’t put off registration!!

Register by clicking:

Event Cost: $69 for the public. A $20 Discount for MPA Club members is applied when you register using the code MPA_CLUB. Since our club is a member of MPA, your cost is $49.

Panera Box Lunch Cost: $10. There are no good options for going out for lunch, so either bring your own or order when you register. Bottled water included.

Water will be provided at the start of the day, and light snack during intermission.

Questions? Email

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8:30 AM08:30

Harrisburg Camera Club Light and Creativity Workshop

The Harrisburg Camera Club Light and Creativity Workshop will be held on Saturday, June 8, 2019 at The Conference Center at Central Penn College. The hours for the workshop are 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM. Details, including speakers and how to register, can be found at A number of club members went to this event last year. It's a great day of speakers, networking, and fabulous door prizes!

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8:00 AM08:00

Photo workshop, Barbara Fritchie Classic Dirt Track Racing

Wednesday, July 4 at 8:15 AM - 3:15 PM

Barbara Fritchie Classic Frederick Fairgrounds Md

Photo workshop, Barbara Fritchie Classic Dirt Track Racing, Frederick Maryland Fair Grounds. 4th of July

Join Dan Scenna for some of the most exciting, intense sports photography available to the average photographer.

Dan will conduct onsite training and advice. Our day starts with a nine AM entrance to the infield to set up and learn the basic techniques. We’ll practice during the racers warm ups and exploring the pits for human interest shots.

The races usually end around 3 leaving plenty of time for family holiday activities.

A follow up class will be held on Wed July 18th, to review results and suggest post production techniques.

Cost $60 (includes a $20 in-field Pass). Contact Dan Scenna for payment. There is a 15 person limit to the group. A minimum of 5 is required. or 240 285 6261

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8:00 AM08:00

Photo Beach Bash 2017

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Rehoboth Beach, Delaware

Join over 250 fellow photogragraphy enthusiasts for a day of learning and inspiration as renowned photographers present their photography and answer your questions.

Talk, mingle and talk photography with attendees and share knowledge and interests. Learn about the local photography scene, and the best photography club in Delaware!

We also will have a photographic display of winning images, as well as personalized critiques and commentary from some of the speakers, local professionals and club-trained judges.

The Beach Bash will be held at the Atlantic Sands Hotel , on the Boardwalk, in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware . This site provides a beautiful beach setting in a nationally-known beach resort area. Photographic opportunities abound, if you wish extend your stay.

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3:30 PM15:30

Light and Creativity” Workshop

The Harrisburg Camera Club will be holding its
6th annual “Light and Creativity” workshop
for photographers on Saturday April 9, 2016. The
workshop venue at Central Penn College, just outside
the city of Harrisburg, is easily reached from
I-81, I-83, the PA Turnpike, Routes 322, 283, and
other major arteries. The conference center features
free parking in adjoining lots, tables for ease
of note taking, and is handicapped accessible.
Included in the cost of your registration is a full
continental breakfast with seating and a hot lunch
catered by the Harrisburg Hilton. The keynote
guest speaker is nationally known photographer
and “Canon Explorer of Light” Parish Kohanim.
Parish, who is based in Atlanta is a photographer
who specializes in people, portrait, commercial
and fine art photography. Our second speaker is
photographer Denise Silva from Maryland. Denise
has spoken to many camera clubs and teaches
photography through her photographic tours at
Road Runner Tours. Our third speaker is Ivan
Rothman. Ivan is a wildlife photographer with 40
years experience from around the world and has
presented educational programs up and down the
east coast. All three speakers are highly qualified
photographers and will speak on different subjects.
Speakers will be available for questions by
attendees after their presentation. For complete
details on the workshop including speakers bios,
presentation topics, workshop schedule and the
online registration, go to [http://www.lightandcreativity.

[1]: http://www.lightandcreativity. org/

We will have camera store vendors and product
representatives on-site: We are pleased to offer
in door prizes for registered attendees. Dollar for
dollar this educational workshop is hard to beat.
Post workshop surveys give us a 98% approval
rating. If any of your members have attended, just
ask them!

Registration Deadlines: April 7th, 2014 Last day
for discounted registration
Check must be received
by the Harrisburg Camera
Club (Andrew Hoff) by
Wednesday, April 6th.
Online registration via
the [http://www.lightandcreativity.
org/][2]is Midnight
April 9th.
Seating is limited to first
200 registered attendees.

[2]: http://www.lightandcreativity. org/

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to Nov 22

DELMARVA Nature & Wildlife Photography Summit

  • Google Calendar ICS




This three day conference will present full days of creative and professional education providing an exciting line-up of workshops, comprehensive field sessions, photo tours, portfolio critiques, and social and networking opportunities. The summit includes:

  • Access to passionate and seasoned instructors;
  • Tours and field sessions;
  • Workshops that explore the practical and theoretical aspects of image creation;
  • Limited registration to assure low student-to-instructor ratio;
  • All meals, three nights of double-occupancy lodging at CBFS, and transportation to all field sites.
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Light and Creativity Workshop
8:00 AM08:00

Light and Creativity Workshop

Workshop takes place at the Central Penn College Conference Center in East Pennsboro, PA from 8:00am-5:00pm. Registration cost is $70 for non-members.

The Harrisburg Camera Club will be holding its 5th annual “Light and Creativity” workshop for photographers on Saturday April 11, 2015. Their speakers include: 

Les Picker, a nationally known photographer and writer who specializes in landscapes and Fine Art print editions. Les will speak on How We Prepare an Image for Printing and deliver the Keynote: “Shunning Your Photography!” 

Joe LeFevre, a large workshop presenter who teaches photography at the Adirondack Photography Institute. He will present “25 Tips for Improving Your Landscape Photography.” 

Carl Sander Socolow, a documentary/street photographer who earned a prestigious Guggenheim Fellowship. He will present a “Quest for the Ordinary” - blending traditional street and documentary photography. 

Visit their website for more details:

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