For our March meeting, we will be back in person at the Delaplaine in the Gardiner Room, 40 S. Carroll St., in Frederick. There will also be a hybrid option on Zoom. At this meeting, member Erica Kavadias will do a presentation on head shots. And who doesn't need a fresh, new head shot?
Erica will set up lights, a backdrop, and a posing stool, and while doing so, will talk about lighting, posing choices, camera settings, etc. Folks who attend in person are encouraged to bring a clean SD card with them to the meeting. Erica will insert your card into her camera while you pose for your photo, then return your card to you. After everyone has had a chance to pose, she will collect a few of the images and move to the computer, where she will demonstrate how she edits the images. Later, you can take what you learned home with you to edit your shot, too!
Erica Kavadias is a photographer of people, places and things located in the Maryland/DC area. Her interest in photography began at an early age. After graduating with a degree in photography from UMBC, she pursued a career that allowed her to use her photographic skills. She also enjoys using her photography to document the lives of her children. Throughout the years, Erica has continued her education through Johns Hopkins University classes as well as through Central Maryland Photographer's Guild seminars and workshops. Other interests include spending time with her family, traveling, and giving back to her community.
This will be a hybrid meeting, with both in person attendance as well as on Zoom. The meeting is open to all, and visitors are welcome to attend. All Camera Clique members will receive the Zoom link in the first March email blast; non-members may request the link by emailing