April 12 Meeting, 7pm, at the Delaplaine (Hybrid; presenters will be in person) Traveling The Mother Road: A Route 66 Road Trip
Deb and Art enjoy traveling and sharing their experiences and adventures through their photography. Over 28 days in September of 2021, they travelled 3,619 miles on Old Route 66 from Chicago, Illinois, to Los Angeles, California. This had always been a dream to travel the Mother Road. Art and Deb will share their planning, learning, and highlights of the road trip.
Deb and Art
Art and Deb’s interest in photography blossomed over 20 years ago during a family trip to Australia. Their passion for both travel and photography continued to grow. Once retired from their careers, they are living their dream to travel and capture their experiences through photography.
Their travels have taken them through North, Central and South America, Europe, and Asia. Domestic road trips include Utah & Arizona, Route 66, Louisiana, West Virginia, Maine (complete with puffins), the Oregon Coast and Covered Bridges from Maryland to the Finger Lakes of New York.
Their interests span many types of photography including landscape, street, night sky, and wildlife. Deb enjoys merging creativity with her photos. Using Photoshop, she blends watercolor painting and brush effects to create photo artistic pieces; and in a process she calls “Photo Alchemy," combines differing images to create new artistic compositions. Art enjoys working in post processing to create realistic composites and impart a range of dramatic looks to his photos.
Art and Deb are members of the Northern Virginia Photographic Society. Deb currently serves as Co-VP of Competitions and Art as Education and Training Coordinator.
“We see photography as a way to connect with others, capture the experiences of new places, and discover different perspectives of familiar places."
Visitors are guests are welcome to attend this meeting at the Delaplaine Visual Arts Center, 40 S. Carroll St, Frederick, MD. This meeting will also be offered via Zoom. Camera Clique members will get the Zoom link via the April email blast; all others interested in attending virtually may request the link via email: info@frederickcameraclique.org.