
June 9th Meeting, 7 pm via Zoom - Therapeutic Photography

Judy Weiser, the director of the PhotoTherapy Centre in Gambier Island, BC, Canada, will speak to us about Therapeutic Photography.

Therapeutic Photography techniques are photographic practices done by people themselves (or their helpers) in situations where the skills of a trained therapist or counselor are not needed — for example, where photo-interactive activities are used to increase people’s own self-knowledge, awareness, and well-being, improve their relationships with family and others, activate positive social change, reduce social exclusion, assist rehabilitation, strengthen communities, deepen intercultural relations, lessen conflict, bring attention to issues of social injustice, sharpen visual literacy skills, enhance education, expand qualitative research and prevention methodologies, and produce other kinds of photo-based personal/emotional healing and learning.

Therapeutic Photography does not mean just only photo-taking. It also includes other photo-interactive activities, such as photo-viewing, -posing, -planning, -discussing, or even just only remembering or imagining photographs.

To learn more about Judy and the work of the PhotoTherapy Centre, visit her bio and the homepage for the PhotoTherapy Centre. All Frederick Camera Clique members will receive the Zoom link for this meeting in the June email blast; guests are welcome to attend by requesting the link via email: