The Coastal Camera Club continues our annual "A Day of Photography Inspiration and Education" seminars aimed at photographers of all levels who are interested in learning more about their craft from noted subject matter experts. This year CCC presents “A Day of Photography Inspiration and Education” on March 28, 2020. The event will be held at the Lewes Presbyterian Church, 133 Kings Hwy, Lewes, DE 19958.
The program is free to all attendees. There is $5.00 Suggested Donation for all attendees that may be given at the event. The Coastal Camera Club wishes to give back to the community in which we live. The free tickets are for the entire day, the morning session only, or the afternoon session only. All we ask is that you register using Eventbrite.
For the morning session, this year's speaker will be Nikhil Bahl, a full time professional photographer, author, educator, workshop instructor and environmentalist residing in the Washington DC area. Drawing inspiration from nature, Nikhil adopts novel approaches and seeks meaningful interpretations to create photographs that transcend the commonplace, reflect deeper insights, and convey an enchantment of the subject's beauty. His three hour presentation during the morning's session is certain to inspire everyone.
The afternoon session will be the Best of Delaware PSA Print Competition with the Photographic Society of America (PSA) as described below. Nikhil Bahl will be one of the guest judges. The 2020 Erik Kissa Memorial Medal, a PSA Gold Level Medal, will be awarded in the third annual Best of Delaware print competition. If you are a PSA member living in Delaware, you are invited to enter this competition. The award honors Dr. Kissa's belief that the greatest value of competition is as a learning tool, and everyone in attendance at the “Day of Photography - Inspiration & Education” can be a part of this and learn from it. Even if you are not a member of PSA, you are welcome to attend and participate in the interactive discussion with the judges.