36th Annual Frederick Camera Clique Juried Exhibition – A Physical Show Returns!
The Frederick Camera Clique is pleased to announce the 36th Annual Summer Juried Exhibit, which will once again be a physical show at the Hodgson Gallery at Frederick Community College in Frederick, MD. Entries may include the full range of photography: landscape, cityscape, architecture, travel, people, street, sports, macro, abstract, fine art, figure, composites, wildlife from insects to elephants to birds to fish to frogs, and pretty much anything else you can put in front of your lens. There are no exclusions as to the type of photography that may be entered.
Submissions Accepted May 1 – May 31, 2022
The exhibition will be on display at the Hodgson Gallery at Frederick Community College from July 16 through September 7, 2022.
Click here to see last years winners
Best in Show $300
Best Color Image $200
Best Monochrome Image $200
Category 1st Place People, Places, Things $150 each
Honorable Mention Awards may be made at the juror’s discretion
People’s Choice Award $75 – voting occurs at the opening reception
Winners of all awards and prizes will be highlighted in a special showcase on our website.
Winners of all awards and prizes will be highlighted in a special showcase as part of the online exhibition.
OUR JUROR, Michael Donovan:
Pennsylvania photographer Mike Donovan has been practicing his craft for over 40 years, participating in local arts events and exhibiting his work in shops and galleries in the south central part of the state. He has participated in photography contests, both as an exhibitor and as a judge, as well as conducted critiques for various camera clubs. Formerly an elementary school teacher, Michael still teaches photography classes for both kids and adults through the local library and schools.
In addition to taking many photography workshops and seminars, Mike has an associate degree in photography from the Harrisburg Community College.
Michael recently did a critique night for the Frederick Camera Clique, and when it came time to select a juror, he was a popular choice of the members. We are pleased that he has accepted this role of juror. You can see Michael’s work at his website, mikedonovanphotography.com.
Submitted photos must be the original work taken at any time by the photographer identified on the entry.
Photos that have been accepted into this show in previous years may not be entered into this competition.
Photos will be submitted in digital form but may be digital or film in origin.
Images should not be watermarked, in order to protect the anonymity of the photographer during the jurying process.
No distinction will be made between altered or unaltered photos. Any in-camera, computer, app, or darkroom-based image manipulation is acceptable.
When entering dimensions of the work, please submit only images which, when printed for display, will be no wider than 30”. Images may be taller than 30”.
All decisions by the juror and exhibition management are final and binding.
There is a limit of six (6) images per photographer.
Please prepare your images per the guidelines in #4 below prior to starting the application process.
Images should contain no watermarks or copyright information that may identify the photographer on the photo itself.
Images must be submitted in jpg format with a long side dimension of 1200 pixels, and a resolution of 72 pixels per inch. Please use the sRGB colorspace. It is also recommended that files be at least 300kb but no larger than 1mb in size.
When saving files, please name them in this manner: Last_First_1.jpg, Last_First_2.jpg. Example: Miller_Cam_1.jpg, Miller_Cam_2.jpg.
Assistance in resizing files to meet these guidelines is available by emailing cam.miller@comcast.net; she will be happy to help.
All photographs should have a title, which does not need to be part of the filename, but is entered into the title field in the entry system.
All work may be offered for sale. Please determine a price for the piece, keeping in mind that Frederick Community College will collect a 25% commission if the piece sells. If you do not want it to be for sale, please state the price as NFS.
The cost per image entered is $6 for Frederick Camera Clique Members, active military, and student, and $10 for non-members. Payment is collected via the online entry system.
If you'd like to join the Frederick Camera Clique before submitting an entry, you may do so by visiting our membership page and signing up.
Acceptance notices will be sent out via email on or about June 15.
If your work is accepted for the show, you will receive a detailed email about how to prepare your photo(s) for display in the show, including how and when to hand-deliver the work prior to July 13. Mailing/shipping of work to the college is not an option at this time.
Opening of Show, Reception, and Announcement of Prize Winners
The show will open on Saturday, July 16, with a reception at 5 pm at the Hodgson Gallery on the campus of Frederick Community College. The juror will make remarks regarding the jury process and image selection, as well as announce the awards. Winners of all awards and prizes will be contacted via email prior to the reception so that they may make a special effort to attend. Award winners not present at the reception will receive their checks in the mail.
You can submit your entries online with our entry system below. If you have any questions regarding the entry process, please contact info@frederickcameraclique.org