About Us
Peak color birches by Marshall Dupuie
We are a group created by and for photographers of all kinds -- Digital, Film and Alternative, Weekend Shooters, Semi-Pro and Professional, Color and Black and White, Experienced and Novice. Whatever your methods or favorite subject matter, the Clique is a place where you can find people who share your interests. The Frederick Camera Clique is also the largest camera club in Frederick, MD.
What We Do
We are dedicated to sharing our knowledge with one another and presenting knowledgeable experts in the field to give us the benefit of their experience in our monthly meetings through presentations and critiques. We also sponsor a Juried Exhibition and a Member- Only exhibition each year to share our work with one another and the general public.
As you explore these pages we hope you will find a number of reasons to join us. We are waiting for YOU! Welcome!
Monthly Meetings
Since March of 2020, we have been meeting at 7 pm on the 2nd Wednesday of every month via Zoom. Please check the Meetings link for current meeting information. We hope to be able to resume our regular in person meetings at The Delaplaine Arts Center in downtown Frederick in the near future.
President - Cam Miller
Vice President - Gundars Osvalds
Co-Treasurers - Scott Casavant and Stefanie Boss
Maryland Photography Alliance
The Frederick Camera Clique is a member of the Maryland Photography Alliance, which is an association of Maryland-based photography clubs dedicated to:
Enhancing photography as a hobby.
Making photographers aware of meetings and group-shooting opportunities.
Providing mutual assistance to member clubs through pooling resources.
MPA conducts one competition, one gallery show, and one all-day seminar with a nationally known photographer every year.
MPA clubs promote education, provide information, create inspiration, and afford an opportunity for individual growth to those interested in photography.
A Delaplaine Alliance Group
The Frederick Camera Clique is an alliance group of The Delaplaine Arts Center. Please call 301-698-0656 or visit their website, www.delaplaine.org. The Delaplaine Arts Center is located at 40 S Carroll Street, Frederick MD 21701