
32nd Annual Frederick Camera Clique Accepted work

Click here for a list of accepted work

The exhibition will be held July 14 to September 5, 2018, at the Mary Condon Hodgson Gallery at Frederick Community College, 7932 Opossumtown Pike, Frederick, MD, (301) 846-2513.

The Opening Reception will be held Saturday, July 14th, from 5 – 7 PM

Photographers with accepted work are expected to provide ready to hang matted and framed (if appropriate) prints of the accepted photos. Metal and gallery wrap prints are allowed. The ready to hang work must be no more than 26 inches in the long dimension and no less than 10 inches in the short dimension. These size restrictions apply to metal prints and gallery wrap as well as framed work. Work that exceeds these dimensions by more than a few inches will not be hung. All work, no matter the format, must be ready to hang using a wire hanging system on the back. If there is no wire the work will not hang, no exceptions. Framed work must be matted, mats may be of any color, though white, off-white, and black mats are recommended unless a colored mat strengthens the image. The frame should be no more than 2 inches wide. Collages or multiple window mats are not permitted. The work must be labeled on the back with the photographer’s name, title, price if for sale, phone number and email address. A sticky note or card with the name of the photographer and the title of the image should also be affixed to the front.

Works may be offered for sale by photographers but they must remain on display for the duration of the show. No commission will be taken by the Clique on sold photos. A commission of 25% will be taken by Frederick Community College. Submission of entry form and fees constitutes acceptance of all terms contained herein.

Drop-off times at the Delaplaine Visual Arts Center in Frederick, MD

Accepted entry drop-off at the Delaplaine:

Wednesday, June 13, 2018, 6 - 7 pm at the June meeting

Saturday, June 23, 2018, 1- 3 pm

Wednesday, July 11, 2018, 6 - 7 pm at the July meeting

Announcement of Prize Winners:

Winners of all awards and prizes will be announced at the opening reception and they will be posted online following the reception at